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Undergraduate studies admission plan for the College of Agriculture, University of Kirkuk 2023-2024


Morning studies
Department Admission plan for 2022/2023 Already accepted for 2022/2023 Admission plan for 2023/24
Horticulture and Landscape Design 250 11 300
Animal Production 250 10 300
Field crops 250 10 300
Soil and water resources sciences 100 8 100
Forestry sciences 100 12 100
Poultry science - - - - - - - 200


Evening studies
Department Admission plan for 2022/2023 Already accepted for 2022/2023 Admission plan for 2023/24
Horticulture and Landscape Design 250 26 300
Animal Production 250 - - - 300
Field crops 250 13 300
Soil and water resources sciences - - - - - - - - -
Forestry sciences - - - - - - - - -
Poultry science - - - - - - - - - -