الوقت في العراق مدينة كركوك الآن

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The College of Veterinary Medicine holds a seminar entitled (Flavonoids and their therapeutic properties).

The College of Veterinary Medicine holds a seminar entitled (Flavonoids and their therapeutic properties).

The College of Veterinary Medicine held a seminar entitled “flavonoids and their therapeutic properties” in the presence of the college’s members. The seminar included a lecture in which M. Ahmed Abdel-Aali Aziz Flavonoids are a group of biologically active compounds that are naturally present in many foods and drinks of plant origin, which give some plants and fruits their distinctive colors. Flavonoids are a type of antioxidants, and they are important substances that may help resist various types of chronic diseases and reduce Chances of contracting them, such as neurological diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, cancerous tumors, and chronic fatigue syndrome. The lecturer recommended diversifying food sources and eating plant foods, which help resist various types of chronic diseases and reduce the chances of contracting them.


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الوقت في العراق مدينة كركوك الآن