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The College of Veterinary Medicine holds an awareness-raising lecture entitled (Breast Cancer and the Importance of Early Detection of the Disease)

The College of Veterinary Medicine, the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit, in cooperation with the Division of Continuing Education and the College of Nursing, held an awareness-raising lecture entitled (Breast Cancer and the Importance of Early Detection of the Disease) in the presence of the Dean of the College, the faculty, and associates.
The lecture, which was delivered by Professor Suhaila Muhammad Ali, included a detailed explanation of breast cancer and the extent of its spread, as the disease affects both sexes, but is more common in women. The great support for breast cancer awareness and funding research has contributed to progress in diagnosing it. The disease and its treatment. The lecture recommended periodic examination for early detection of the disease to avoid aggravation of the disease, since most cases diagnosed early are successfully treated.

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