Master's thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences discusses the evaluation guide for executive functions, problem solving, the ability to change the implementation strategy, and some special abilities among boxers
In the presence of the Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kirkuk, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Saber, the college discussed a master's thesis entitled The evaluation guide for executive functions, problem solving, the ability to change the implementation strategy, and some special abilities among boxers, by the student Hussein Kamal, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Weam Amer Abdullah.
The study aimed to identify the values of executive functions and problem solving among boxers under 22 years of age and the values of the ability to change their implementation strategy, in addition to building the evaluation guide for executive functions, problem solving, the ability to change the implementation strategy, and some special abilities.
The study came out with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is taking into account the tables and standard levels that were reached in selecting or selecting boxing players at an early stage, and adopting this evaluation guide by the gentlemen trainers in selecting and training players.
On the sidelines of the discussion, the Dean of the College presented a letter of thanks and appreciation to the Head of the Discussion Committee, Professor Abdul-Moneim Ahmed Jassim, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Tikrit University, for his distinguished efforts, keenness and support for the scientific process and its advancement.

Master's thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is discussed
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