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Library and Free Education Division

The college library was established in 2013, since the founding of the college. It includes a reading room. The library contains many scientific books, in addition to a number of CDs of modern books. The library also contains dissertations and university dissertations to serve the beneficiary.

Library staff:

1- M.D. Amjad Ali Falih                           Division Responsible

2- Hassan Hashem Haqqi

Goals, vision, mission and objectives

Library objectives:

Preparing books, modern scientific sources, and CDs for graduate students, researchers, and undergraduate students.
Supporting the school curricula with the information sources provided by the library to write the latest books and scientific sources to serve the beneficiaries of the colleges of the University of Baghdad and other universities.
Providing Internet services for professors, researchers, and postgraduate and undergraduate students to keep pace with the development of global scientific research.
Copying and binding books purchased from exhibitions to preserve them and provide the largest number of books for the benefit of the largest possible number of students and researchers.

The Library of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is a center for knowledge and support for scientific research in the specializations of the Colleges of Physical Education

the message:-

Providing paper and electronic sources of information and knowledge for students, faculty members, researchers and specialists in the field of physical education, organizing and making them available and providing distinguished services.


Supporting the educational process through the acquisition of printed and electronic information sources
Supporting scientific research by providing information sources that support the scientific research plan in physical education
Library borrowing system:

The library has two borrowing systems:

Internal loan: The employee responsible for the loan delivers the source to the beneficiary after attaching his personal ID, library ID, or college ID to the card for the book, and the book is returned to the employee responsible no later than the end of the official working day for that day.
External loan: in which the employee responsible for the loan delivers the source to the beneficiary after attaching his personal ID, library ID, or college ID to the card for the book, it is for a period of only three days, and an amount equivalent to the value of the book is added to it to ensure that it is retrieved on the specified date. The purpose of this is to ensure the return of the book. On time and to prevent leakage or loss.

Working hours