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The College of Veterinary Medicine holds a scientific symposium entitled (National Standards for Accreditation of Colleges of Veterinary Medicine Programs).


Under the patronage of the President of the University of Kirkuk, Professor Dr. Imran Jamal Hassan, and under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Professor Kamal Ali Saleh, the College of Veterinary Medicine, within the activities of the Quality Assurance Division, held its scientific symposium entitled (National Standards for Accreditation of Colleges of Veterinary Medicine Programs) .At the beginning of the symposium, the Dean of the College gave a speech in which he welcomed the lecturers. The symposium included several lectures. The first lecture was given by A. Dr. Shahad Abbas Ali, entitled Introducing the National Standards for Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, as all standards of the Council for Improving the Quality of Education for Colleges of Veterinary Medicine guarantee that the bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine and surgery granted to the graduate is a degree that meets the requirements of the Ministry of Higher Education, while the second lecturer, Prof. Dr. Diaa Sarhan Khalaf, stated that The mechanism for writing the self-evaluation report for the standards of colleges of veterinary medicine, the continuous improvement plan, and writing the conformity report, while the third lecture, M.M. Dalia Badie Omar, touched on writing the continuous improvement plan and the conformity report to calculate the grades of Form 06.

 q063  q064


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