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The College of Veterinary Medicine held its awareness symposium entitled (The impact of corruption on development and the strategy to combat it)

Under the patronage of the Honorable President of the University, Prof. Dr. Imran Jamal Hassan, and under the supervision of the Honorable Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Prof. Dr. Kamal Ali Saleh, the College of Veterinary Medicine established the Continuing Education Division as part of its activities to implement the National Strategy for Integrity and Anti-Corruption, and in cooperation with the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit. The Women’s Empowerment Unit and the Popular Mobilization Authority/Directorate for Combating Intellectual Terrorism held an awareness symposium entitled (The Impact of Corruption on Development and the Strategy to Combat It). The symposium was attended by representatives of the Popular Mobilization Authority/Directorate for Combating Intellectual Terrorism and the National Security Service. At the beginning of the symposium, the Dean of the College gave his speech welcoming the audience, which included: The symposium had three lectures, the first delivered by Dr. Mahmoud Adeeb Fattah on corruption within the framework of international and local laws, in which he explained that confronting corruption requires perseverance, cooperation, and concerted efforts to reduce the phenomenon of corruption in all parts of the world, because corruption is not only a problem in developing countries, but rather it is a global problem. The other lecture was given by the representative of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Shihab Ahmed Salman, indicating that intellectual and administrative corruption is the most harmful, the most difficult to analyze, and the most difficult to solve, and he recommended building a discreet family with bright ideas in order to build a sound intellectual society.
The other lecturer (Mr. Walid Mahdi Abdullah) touched on the impact of corruption on development, its causes and repercussions, and its negative impact on development, thus transforming its goals and justifying economic resources and capabilities.f2


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