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The College of Veterinary Medicine holds a seminar on the veterinarian, common diseases, and public health

The College of Veterinary Medicine held a seminar on the veterinarian, common diseases, and public health, in the presence of faculty and associates. The episode included a lecture given by the Dean of the College, Dr. Kamal Ali Saleh, in which he explained the role of the veterinarian in society on its health and economic dimensions, as it is the first line of defense to protect humans from common transmissible diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans, and that there are more than 360 common diseases, including mild and moderate ones. And deadly, viral, bacterial and parasitic types. The lecturer recommended that the role of the veterinarian is not limited to treating field and domestic animals only, but rather he has an important role in preserving the health of society from common diseases, as well as health control of food and animal products...

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