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Registration and Student Affairs Division

Registration and Student Affairs Division

The Registration Division is considered one of the most important divisions of the college, which is concerned with everything related to the student during his academic career from his registration and enrollment in the college until his graduation from it.

Division tasks

1- Central admission students are received at the beginning of each new academic year by a special committee formed by the college.

2- Transporting and hosting students in accordance with ministerial regulations and instructions.

3- Registration of students accepted into our college.

4- Organizing lists of students’ names, distributing them according to groups, and conducting the university census annually.

5- Providing students with support letters from official departments and granting sick leave forms.

6- Verifying the documents of students accepted and transferred from inside and outside Iraq, and the ministerial orders related to auditing the documents and the validity of their issuance by the donor.

7- Recording information about admitted students in special files and keeping them in the Registration Division.

8- Issuing administrative orders for accepted and continuing students.

9- Issuing administrative orders regarding transferred and hosted students, whose records are registered, those who are deferred, and those who fail by absence.

10- Issuing a university ID for each student.

11- Automation of student files.

12- Regular and electronic archiving of all student files.

13- Distributing students to (teaching) advisors and following up on them.

14- Answering official letters received from other universities and colleges and memorizing the priorities according to the assignment.

15- Distribution of final exam results to students, which are received from the exam committee.

Below are the forms that the student can refer to the department when needed:

1- A clearance form to obtain the results of the first round.

2- A clearance form to obtain the results of the second round.

3-Disclaimer form to upgrade the registration.

4- A clearance form to terminate hosting.

5- Form to obtain a student ID

6- A form pledging the number of repeated absences

7-The student’s objection form to the final exam results

8-Student referral form for examination and treatment

The division consists of:

1- Admission unit

2- The Documents and Alumni Unit, whose most prominent tasks are:

Issuing documents electronically through a system that runs on SQL, which includes a barcode specific to the student that prevents forgery and prevents any error in the document. The system is managed by three users (manager, auditor, and data entry).
Issuing graduation documents without degrees with graduation documents with degrees in English and Arabic, as well as issuing merit certificates and granting endorsement books to graduating students.
Sending letters to the Directorate of Education and then to graduate schools to bring preparatory school graduation documents with grades certified by Education before issuing college graduation documents.
Sending the graduates’ documents for authentication at the university presidency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the request of the graduate after authenticating them in our college.
Checking students’ grades in the Master Sheet before putting them on the document, in addition to checking the university order for each batch, whether they are from the first round or the second round.
Sending letters to the university presidency to confirm the authenticity of the issuance of graduation documents for graduates for each batch.
Keep a copy of the documents with grades and without grades and the certified merit certificate before submitting them to the graduate.
After issuing the university order for the first and second rounds, it issues a unified administrative order for the two rounds.
Answering the authenticity books (graduates’ documents) from the books received by us.
electronic archive.
Organizing graduate files for each batch.
Organizing student cards from the first stage to the fifth stage.
3 - Summer training unit.

Working hours

Weekdays 08:30 - 16:00
Friday is a holiday
Saturday is a holiday
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