Legal Division:-
The Legal Division was established in 2013 and is considered one of the main administrative divisions in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and is directly linked to the Associate Administrative Dean.
The first person to assume responsibility for the division was the legal Mr. Ali Asghar Zainal Abidin from the beginning of the college’s founding until the year 2018, after which the legal Mr. Muhammad Zainal Omar took over the responsibility of the division, and he is in charge until now.
Objectives of the Legal Division:
1. The Legal Division seeks to achieve justice among college members in accordance with laws, regulations, and instructions.
2. The Legal Division is responsible for providing legal protection for the college and defending it before the courts and judicial authorities.
Duties and tasks of the Legal Division:
1. Providing legal consultations to the college’s branches.
2. Statement of legal opinion in books related to legal affairs and other topics.
3. Participation in the Student Discipline Committee formed in the college in accordance with the Instructions for Student Discipline in Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. 160 in 2007, in addition to participating in the State Employees Discipline Committees.
4. Participation in the investigative committees formed in the college.
5. Participate in the investigative committees formed by the University Presidency/Legal Affairs Department by preparing their records and submitting them to the University Presidency and the Ministry for the purpose of approval.
6. Approval of contracts concluded by the college.
7. Approval of educational guarantees and pledges inside and outside Iraq.
8. Approving loans for teaching staff and advances for employees.
9. The legal representative of the college is responsible for reviewing the police stations and the competent courts in cases brought by the college against others and vice versa.