A master's thesis at the University of Kirkuk discusses the effect of sports performance exercises accompanied by music in developing some coordination abilities and their relationship to the psychological well-being of kindergarten children
A master's thesis at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences discussed the effect of sports performance exercises accompanied by music in developing some coordination abilities and their relationship to the psychological well-being of kindergarten children.
The thesis, presented by the student Ahmed Ismail Muhammad, and supervised by Assistant Professor Dr. Matin Suleiman Saleh, aimed to prepare special exercises and identify the effect of sports performance exercises accompanied by music in developing some coordination abilities and their relationship to the psychological well-being of kindergarten children.
The thesis concluded that sports performance exercises accompanied by music had a clear and effective effect in developing some coordination abilities and the well-being of the group.
On the sidelines of the discussion, the Dean of the College presented a letter of thanks and appreciation to the member of the teaching discussion committee at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Sulaymaniyah, Professor Dr. Araz Muhammad Nouri, for his distinguished efforts and keenness and support for the scientific process and its advancement.