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Approval of the title of a master’s thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

Approval of the title of a master’s thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

Approval of the title of a master’s thesis in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
As part of a series of approving the titles of graduate students’ dissertations, the committee formed in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences approved the title of a master’s thesis research by student Marwan Sattar Namiq, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Ihsan Qaddouri Amin.
The approval committee consisted of its chairman, Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Mateen Suleiman Saleh, and the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Maad Mana Allawi, and Assistant Professor Dr. Murad Ahmed Yas.
The session included the student discussing the title of his thesis and making some amendments to it, which would help complete the title appropriately and in a manner consistent with the research problem and objectives.399734767 769562701852166 6932503775060791371 n tile

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