In cooperation with community police...
The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences organizes an educational and awareness seminar on electronic blackmail crimes
The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kirkuk, the Women’s Empowerment Unit, in cooperation with the community police in Kirkuk Governorate, organized an educational and awareness seminar on electronic blackmail crimes and ways to prevent it, in the presence of the administrative assistant, Professor Dr. Mateen Suleiman Saleh, and a number of teaching staff and associates.
The symposium discussed the dangers of electronic blackmail crimes, how to secure personal accounts on social media sites, and not to send personal data and files to others to avoid falling victim to blackmailers.
The symposium, which was lectured by Colonel Ghaleb Ali Saleh and Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Nemat Amin, witnessed the presence of a number of security leaders, led by Brigadier General Abbas Jaber, Director of Planning in the Kirkuk Provincial Police.
In cooperation with community police...
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