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The College of Basic Education organized a scientific workshop titled "The Reality of Al-Munasabat and Its Authority Among the Usulists,"


The College of Basic Education organized a scientific workshop titled "The Reality of Al-Munasabat and Its Authority Among the Usulists," presented by (Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Shakir Majid), the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs. The workshop addressed the concept of Al-Munasabat as one of the fundamental tools in the science of Usul al-Fiqh, where the lecturer focused on its definition and importance in constructing legal rulings and linking it to the objectives of Sharia. The conditions for the authority of Al-Munasabat were highlighted, along with when it is accepted or rejected by the usulists, with references to practical applications of this concept in legal reasoning. The workshop reviewed the opinions of usul scholars on the subject, clarifying the differences among them in interpreting Al-Munasabat and its impact on the process of deduction, as well as discussing the main challenges facing the application of this concept in the contemporary context.


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