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A scientific visit for students of the Department of Applied Geology / College of Science to the Technical Institute

A scientific visit for students of the Department of Applied Geology / College of Science to the Technical Institute

Within the scientific activities of the College of Science / University of Kirkuk, and based on the directives of the Dean of the College of Science, Assistant Professor Dr. Neama Ali Ahmed, to open horizons of cooperation between the College of Science and other educational institutions, the College of Science, in cooperation and coordination with the Central Library Unit, organized a scientific visit for students of the second stage / Department of Applied Geology to the Technical Institute Kirkuk/Department of Surveying Technologies, accompanied by professors from the Applied Geology Department and library staff.

The visit included a field tour to the laboratories of the Special Rock Survey Techniques Department, to learn about their types, and the photogrammetry laboratory to learn about aerial survey devices and how they are used in drawing maps, as well as modern programs and devices used in processing aerial images.
At the conclusion of the visit, the students and supervising professors expressed their thanks and gratitude to the leadership of the Department of Surveying Technologies for the good reception and hospitality, wishing everyone continued success and the continuation of field visits, workshops and seminars in a way that serves both parties in the field of acquiring knowledge and exchanging scientific experiences

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