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The Dean’s Assistant for Scientific Affairs,  College of Science / University of Kirkuk chairs a doctoral Dissertation discussion committee at the University of Sulaymaniyah

The Dean’s Assistant for Scientific Affairs, College of Science / University of Kirkuk chairs a doctoral Dissertation discussion committee at the University of Sulaymaniyah

Based on the principle of joint scientific cooperation and exchange of experiences between Iraqi universities, Professor Dr. Mohsin Omar Mohammed Al-shwani, Assistant Dean of the College of Science for Scientific Affairs, chaired the committee to discuss the doctoral Dissertation of the student Kazhal Rashid Ahmed at the university of Sulaymaniyah / College of Agriculture - Department of Biotechnology for her Dissertation entitled EFFECT OF SOWING DATE PLANT. ,) DENSITY AND NITROGEN FERTILIZER ON SEED YIELD AND QUALITY OF VOLATILE OIL OF ANISE Pimpinella (anisum L.) AND FENNEL (Foeniculum vulguri).

Al-Shwani explained that the aim of the research is to study the effect of the planting periods and types of fertilizers on the active substances in fennel and anise seeds by extracting the active chemicals and estimating their percentages using the GC-MASS device and studying the effect of the extracted substances as antioxidants.

After extensive discussion and the student’s defense on behalf of her Dissertation, the committee recommended accepting the thesis, taking into account the comments provided by the committee members, and granting the student a doctorate in agricultural sciences (medicinal plants)

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