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Two lecturers from the College of Science/University of Kirkuk participate in a PhD thesis discussion committee at the University of Tikrit

Based on the principle of joint scientific cooperation between Iraqi universities, Professor Dr. Sahlah Khurshid Abbas (member) and Assistant Professor Dr. Farouk Ibrahim Muhammad (member and supervisor) participated in the committee discussing the doctoral thesis of the student Ahlam Amin Hassan at Tikrit University / College of Science / Department biology, titled “phenotypic and molecular diagnosis of some virulence factors of bacterial species isolated from lower respiratory tract infections and determining their effect on some immunological variables.”

After extensive discussion and the student’s defense on behalf of her thesis, the committee accepted the thesis, bearing in mind the comments provided by the committee members, and granting the student a doctorate degree in biology/microbiology.

At the conclusion of the discussion, the two lectures received a letter of gratitude from the Deanship of the College of Science, Tikrit University, in appreciation of their efforts and bearing the trouble of traveling to participate in the discussion.




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