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A lecturer from the College of Science/University of Kirkuk participates in a master’s thesis discussion committee at the University of Kufa

A lecturer from the College of Science/University of Kirkuk participates in a master’s thesis discussion committee at the University of Kufa

Based on the principle of scientific cooperation and the exchange of expertise among Iraqi universities, Professor Dr. Awaz Behrouz Muhammad, teaching in the Department of biology/College of Science/University of Kirkuk, participated in the discussion committee of the master’s student (Islam Tahseen Rasoul) from the Department of Environment/College of Science/University of Kufa for his tagged thesis. "Evaluation of some potentially hazardous pollutants to human health in the soil of the Najaf provence/Iraq". The study included collecting human and soil samples in selected locations within the city of Kufa to estimate bacterial and fungal pollutants and some heavy metals.

After extensive discussion and the student’s defense on behalf of his thesis and his use of modern scientific sources, the discussion committee decided to accept the thesis and award the student a master’s degree with distinction

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