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A lecturer from the College of Science/University of Kirkuk participates in a master’s thesis discussion committee at the University of Mosul

A lecturer from the College of Science/University of Kirkuk participates in a master’s thesis discussion committee at the University of Mosul

In order to enhance the spirit of scientific cooperation and academic communication between Kirkuk University and the other Iraqi universities, Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Hamad Saleh, teaching in the College of Science/Department of biology, participated in the committee discussing the master’s thesis titled (The effect of the aqueous extract of the okra fruit Abelmoschus esculentus and the drug glimepiride on the changes Histological pathology in some organs of diabetic albino rats) under the supervision of Dr. Liqaa Hussein Ali.

The lecturer explained that the study presented by the researcher (Hanin Mohsen Jiyad Ibrahim Al-Jubouri) aimed to extract the active compounds from the aqueous extract of okra pods (Abelmoschus esculentus) and to study the effect of the extracted compounds on some biochemical and histological parameters of male white rats with alloxan-induced diabetes and compare it with glimepiride treatment. It was crowned with results. Discussion provided valuable comments by the discussants in order to enrich the thesis and strengthen the information in it. It was decided, after extensive scientific discussion and the student’s defense on behalf of her thesis, to accept the thesis and award her a master’s degree with distinction.

In conclusion, the lecturer was given a letter of thanks and gratitude by the Deanship of the Education College for Girls/University of Mosul in appreciation for his efforts and for bearing the trouble of traveling to participate in discussing this thesis.

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