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Student registration

Chapter Three: Admission and Registrationشعار وزارة التعليم

First: Admission and registration in the study program:

Admission requirements to Iraqi universities approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research are approved.

The process of registering new students in the college/institute for the study program takes place within a period of (10) days announcing the admission results through all channels.

After the student is postponed for two semesters if he is registered in the college and the institute to which he is nominated, no more than one month from the end of the period specified in Paragraph (2)   above.

The student will be deemed to have failed both semesters if he registers more than one month after the end of the term specified in paragraph (2) that it is until 5/21

Second: Registration for academic subjects

  1. After the new student who has completed the registration procedures for the study program in the first level within the timing specified in Paragraph (2) of Clause One of this chapter is recorded for all academic subjects For the first semester and approved by the scientific department.
  2. The student continuing his studies must register for the academic subjects approved by the scientific department within a period of time no more than (7) days before the start of the semester, taking into account the necessity of registering it in the required academic subjects from previous semesters, not exceeding (30) units per semester.
  3. The scientific departments in the college/institute are responsible for assigning a number of scientific supervisors in proportion to the number Students with the aim of advising and directing them about registration and study subjects.
  4. The student has the right to withdraw from one academic subject only after the approval of the scientific department and the scientific advisor and within A period not exceeding two weeks from the start of the semester.
  5. It is not possible to register for a complementary subject in the educational program in the semester if the student has not already Pass the introductory course or have completed all requirements for the introductory course in a semester Previous in terms of attendance, formative assessment, and participation in the final exam (without the condition of passing it).
  6. The student has failed by being absent for the semester if he does not register for the study program within the registration period specified in Paragraph (2) Notification
  7. The student's relationship with the study ends and his enrollment is canceled if he does not register for the four semester subjects Consecutive studies without a legitimate excuse.
  8. Universities, colleges and institutes are responsible for implementing student registration management and following up on their academic status through an electronic program.

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