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Summer training unit

The unit undertakes the task of distributing students to actual fields of work in state departments and the socialist, mixed and private sectors so that the student can practice an aspect of practical life in his scientific specialty.

Unit tasks:

A- Approval of the final versions of the training curricula submitted by the scientific departments.
B- Taking the necessary measures to approach training sites to provide training opportunities there.
C - Issuing orders to distribute students and assign their scientific supervisors to their training sites.
D - General supervision of training commit tees in scientific departments.
E - Preparing the final report in the college.

Duties of the Summer Training Committee:

A- Nominating scientific supervisors and informing the college’s training unit of this.
B- Limiting the number of students included in the training according to the academic stage.
C - Prepare tables that include information about the number of students, specialization, proposed training location, and training entity to send to the training unit in the college at the end of December of the academic year.
D - Supervising the conduct of the training process.
E - Follow up on the implementation of the training curriculum approved by the scientific department.
F - Standardizing the evaluation forms for trainee students and entering them into special records.

Working Hours

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