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Flags and Public Relations Division

This division includes two units:

1-The Flags unit, which includes collecting news and scientific activities related to scientific departments, student activities, and activities affiliated with the Continuing Education Unit, including courses, seminars, and discussion panels, where a summary is taken of the type of activity, its date, location, and content of the activity, and it is formulated according to the ministerial template prepared by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the amount. We were sent to us by the Department of Media and Public Relations at the university. Every activity in the college was documented with high-resolution photographs, documented on the department’s social media networks, and the university’s media department was informed of every activity in the college.

2-The Public Relations Unit is responsible for coordination and joint work with other state departments and civil society organizations and coordinating work related to the college with other parties.

The Flags Division is considered the true mirror that reflects the reality of the college and introduces the external academic and non-academic community to the scientific competencies that serve the community by publishing research in international and local journals. In addition, this division works to instill a spirit of cooperation and competition in order to reach and rise to lofty scientific heights. This makes informing Students at these activities and levels follow the example of their teachers and are proud of them.

Among the Division’s achievements is publishing news with accuracy and credibility and not limiting it to news without news, highlighting what has been developed in terms of classrooms and laboratories during the year, and conveying the discussions that occur regarding postgraduate studies in the discussion of master’s theses for each student.

The Flags Division cooperates with the Student Activities Division in order to activate the student’s role in student activities inside and outside the college, in addition to the effective contribution of this division, referred to in Lebanon, in the official graduation ceremonies held at the University of Maysan, in addition to the effective role of the division on University Day, which includes holding scientific activities and charitable works. In the university .

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