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Quality Assurance Division

About the division:

The Division of Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation is linked administratively to the Dean, and this division is considered one of the important and modern divisions because it is concerned with ensuring quality and academic accreditation by advancing the college to the level of international universities by setting standards that the college depends on in order to reach Arab and international academic accreditation. The division is also concerned with It monitors the university performance of teachers, employees and all workers in the college and follows up on improving this performance. It is also concerned with technical support and training to improve guarantee and accreditation. The Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division consists of the Laboratory Accreditation Unit. It is concerned with the affairs of academic departments and organizing courses. It is considered the link between the university presidency and the college, and it receives its instructions from the Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Department at the University of Kirkuk Presidency.

Division tasks:

Holding periodic (monthly) meetings between the staff of the Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division with the Dean of the College to review the latest developments and find solutions to all obstacles facing the College in order to be a model to be emulated at the local and regional levels and to keep pace with achieving good performance and spreading cultural awareness. In the scientific fields in the form called the college and university.

  1.  Implementing a quality assurance system in all college activities and other activities to ensure the provision of high-quality academic programs and obtaining distinction in this field.
  2. Spreading the culture of quality and accreditation among faculty members and departments within the college.
  3. Creating a complete database for the college that includes information about faculty members, employees, employees, students, academic degrees awarded by the college, and descriptions of programs and courses.
  4. Completing the evaluation files sent by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research annually.
  5.  Holding periodic meetings with teachers, employees and students.
  6.  Preparing a questionnaire to measure the quality of faculty members’ performance.
  7.  Preparing a questionnaire to measure the quality of service provision in the College of Science.
  8.  Preparing studies and technical consultations for all sectors of the college, while providing scientific consultation in various aspects of life.
  9.  Holding many training courses in various specializations for the purpose of developing the capabilities and qualifications of teachers and employees.
  10.  Develop a teaching plan for faculty members to achieve the desired goals.
  11.  Encouraging all sectors of the college to use the latest advanced educational methods for the purpose of delivering educational curricula clearly.
  12.  Holding scientific seminars and conferences, which contribute to spreading awareness in community service



To view the academic description:

Academic description of the Department of Mechanical Engineering  click here

Academic description of the Department of Electrical Engineering  click here

Academic description of the Department of Petroleum Engineering  click here

Academic description of the Department of Chemical Engineering  click here

Academic description of the Department of Civil Engineering  click here

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