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A lecturer from the Department of Petroleum Engineering at the College of Engineering at the University of Kirkuk participates in a discussion at Koya University

Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Adel Ismail, the department's rapporteur and lecturer in the Department of Petroleum Engineering, participated in the discussion committee of the doctoral thesis submitted by the student Bashtiwan Tahseen Ahmed, which took place at Koya University in Erbil Governorate. The thesis was titled "Experimental Investigation of the Use of Different Materials to Control Loss to Address the Problem of Loss of Drilling Fluid Circulation in Northern Oil Fields in Iraq", and focused on studying one of the important issues facing oil companies during drilling operations, which is the loss of drilling fluid circulation and its entry into rock formations. The research included the challenges that greatly affect drilling operations in oil fields in northern Iraq. As the loss of drilling fluid to rock formations can lead to drilling stoppages and the accumulation of rock cuttings at the bottom of the well, which increases the cost of drilling operations and prolongs their time.
The thesis addressed this problem by conducting accurate laboratory experiments, where the researcher used additives to drilling fluid known as (LCMs), with the aim of improving the effectiveness of drilling fluid in closing cracks in rocks and preventing its leakage into surrounding formations. The experiments included the use of samples of rock core collected from different wells in northern Iraq, to ​​simulate the actual conditions faced by drilling companies in these areas.

The results of the experiments presented by the researcher showed encouraging results, as they demonstrated the effectiveness of the additives in significantly reducing the percentage of drilling fluid loss, which contributes to maintaining the continuity of drilling operations and reducing the associated costs. Dr. Muhammad Adel Ismail praised the efforts made by the student in his research, pointing out the importance of the results he reached in improving the efficiency of drilling operations in Iraqi oil fields.

This study is an important step towards finding practical solutions to the problem of loss of drilling fluid circulation, which is one of the major challenges facing the oil industry in Iraq, especially in the northern regions.

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