A research team from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering at Kirkuk University publishes scientific research in a prestigious international journal within Clarivate containers.
Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Shaker published with the teacher Ahmed Hassan Gharib, two teachers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering at the University of Kirkuk, in cooperation with a teacher from the Turkish EGE University, Prof.Dr. Ali Güngör researched the effects of the entry temperature of cold and hot water, and the effect of mass flow rate on energy efficiency and available energy (Exergy) in adsorbed layer cooling systems in the international magazine Energy Technology, which is indexed within the Scopus containers (CiteScore = 6.7) and Clarivate.
In this research, adsorption techniques were studied as a promising solution for managing the large demand for electricity in buildings by exploiting the recovery of heat generated from renewable energy sources. A water cooling system using absorption beds analyzes the energy and available energy.
At the hot water temperature of 80°C, the water entering the heat exchanger at 30°C, and the water entering the evaporator at 14°C, the system achieves an energy efficiency of 45.2% with an energy storage density estimated at approximately 340 kJ/kg.
As a result, the exergy efficiency, i.e. the available energy, reaches 12.2%, and the mass percentage at the end of the adsorption process reaches an important value estimated at kgadsorbate/kgadsorbent 0.13. According to this study, the effect of water inlet temperature on the energy performance and available energy of the evaporator is more important compared to the effect of water mass flow rate.
The study can be viewed via the link below:
A research team from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering at Kirkuk University
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