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Master's thesis discusses the impact of environmental pollution on agricultural soil

Under the patronage and attendance of the Dean of the College of Education for Humanities, Prof. Dr. Farhad Aziz Mohiuddin, the master's thesis entitled (The impact of environmental pollution on agricultural soil and its role in the spatial variation of agricultural land uses in Jamjamal District) was discussed in the Department of Geography by the student Hadeel Aram Raafat in the college hall on 9/1/2024.

This study shed light on the variation in pollution levels and their role in the spatial variation of agricultural land uses by studying the chemical content of the main elements and heavy elements in agricultural soil, knowing their geochemical behavior, and determining their concentrations, in addition to searching for the sources causing pollution, and analyzing the role of the factors that affect this, since the phenomenon of pollution has great effects, so the spread of the phenomenon should be revealed, and the degree of its danger to the environment in general and to agricultural soil in particular should be known, as the environmental impact of chemical pollutants on agricultural production was studied, and their environmental risks were evaluated in the areas affiliated with Jamjamal District. The study problem addressed the physicochemical characteristics and their impact on the occurrence of soil pollution phenomenon, and the presence of spatial variation in agricultural soil pollution in Jamjamal district. The research hypothesis came to address this by highlighting the characteristics of natural and human sources of pollution, and explaining spatial variation. The study here indicates that the characteristics and processes affecting the occurrence of soil pollution do not appear at the same degree of association with each other throughout the study area, and that the difference in the quantitative content of pollutants leads to variation in the manifestations and degrees of pollution of agricultural soils, the results of which are reflected in agricultural production in the study area.

The discussion committee consisted of the teaching staff. .

Prof. Dr. Dilshad Rasool Aziz, Chairman

Dr. Torhan Mazhar Hassan Al-Mufti, Member

Assistant Professor Dr. Mahia Mohsen Hassan, Member

Prof. Dr. Murad Ismail Ahmed, Member and Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Abbas Rashid Ali, Member and Supervisor

Working hours

حالة الطقس في مدينة كركوك