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The department is concerned with everything related to the student’s technical needs, or those that begin from the student’s application for admission to the university until his graduation, and from following up and coordinating between colleges in light of the general goals and requirements of community development, following up on the implementation of the decisions of higher authorities, and organizing and coordinating student admission, because the department is the link between the student. And the university on the one hand, and between the colleges and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and other institutes on the other hand. Thus, it is considered the department responsible for implementing the principles and instructions issued by the Ministry of Higher Education. It also works to direct and supervise all matters related to student issues that are completed through the registration departments. In colleges.

Studies Graduate

The Graduate Studies Division is considered one of the basic pillars of the college, as it represents an important link between the data and outputs of graduate studies in the college and the university presidency and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The Division also participates in solving the obstacles facing the path of postgraduate students, starting from their acceptance until granting them documents and certificates, through close and fruitful cooperation with the office of the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Postgraduate Studies and Student Affairs, and the heads of the basic and medical branches, as they form a solid and integrated circle.


الدراسات الاولية البكالوريوس

  • بناء جسور الثقة بين الطالب والجامعة و ارساء دعائم البناء الاداري والتنظيمي على النحو المطلوب و رعاية حقوق الطلبة بكل الجوانب التي كفلتها لهم القوانين والتعليمات النافذة و العمل مع شعب التسجيل في كليات الجامعة كافة بروح الفريق الواحد في خدمة طلبتنا الاعزاء اضافة الى  انشاء قاعدة بيانات لكل خريجي الجامعة.


students Graduating

الاشراف واعداد وتخريج الكوادر العلمية وتنمية قابلياتهم وقدراتهم ليكونوا مؤهلين لنيل الشهادات العليا ( الدبلوم العالي – الماجستير – الدكتوراه ) لمختلف الاختصاصات العلمية ابتداءً من خطة القبول وتعميم ضوابط التقديم ومتابعة التعليمات وصدور الاوامر الجامعية بمنح الاجازة الدراسية لحين صدور الاوامر الجامعية بانتهاء مدة الدراسة ومنح الشهادات العلمية.


Working hours

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