Full Name: Waadallah Zidan Wahb
Academic Qualifications: Master’s degree in Islamic history
Practical Experience: Teaching
University information
College: College of Basic Education.
Section or Department: Kindergarten Department
Scientific Title: Teacher
Certificate: Master's Degree
Date of obtaining the certificate: 5/31/2015
The donor university and college: Tikrit University, College of Education for Humanities
Country: Iraq
General Specialty: Islamic history
Specialization: History of the Arabs before Islam
Contact information with the professor:
Published papers:
1- Pictures of the role of the temple in the social aspect in Yemen before Islam
2- Deities among the Arabs before Islam between sanctification and disdain
3- The historical geography of the Caucasus and its impact on the Islamic conquests
4- The emergence and development of the Mamluk state
5- The monuments of Kirkuk and ways to protect them