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Mansur Jasim Mohmmed

Full Name: Mansur Jasim Mohmmed

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic Qualifications: Ph.D. holder

Practical Experience:

1- Lecturer in teaching methods courses: Kirkuk University 2018-2020

2- Rapporteur of the Teaching Aptitude Test Committee: Kirkuk University / 2014-2019

3- Trainee in the training course in university measurement 2018

University information:

College: College of Basic Education.

Section or Department: Kindergarten Department.

Scientific Title: Professor

Certificate: Ph. D. Degree  

Date of obtaining the certificate: 12/9/2012

The donor university and college: University of Baghdad\Ibn Rushd College of Education

Country: Iraq

General Specialty: Education and psychology

Specialization: Methods of teaching the Arabic language

Scientific activities: participating in various courses in Arabic language

Contact information with the professor: 07703776888  \ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Published papers:

  1. The effect of short reports on the acquisition of grammatical concepts among students of the College of Education
  2. The effect of short reports when teaching literature and texts in developing literary appreciation among fourth-grade students
  3. Artistic taste and its impact on aesthetic taste
  4. Difficulties in using educational technology in teaching at Kirkuk University
  5. A suggested guide to the use of educational technology by university professors
  6. Micro-teaching and practical education
  7. Difficulties in pronouncing linguistic sounds among students in the first grades in the primary stage and ways to address them from the point of view of their teachers and teachers.
  8. The effect of the Eisencraft model on the acquisition of literary concepts among fourth-year scientific students and the development of their moral values
  9. The effect of the Needham model on the acquisition of linguistic concepts among fourth-year scientific students and the development of their productive thinking
  10. The effect of the question circles strategy on the achievement of rhetoric for fifth-grade literary students and the development of their reflective thinking
  11. The effect of the six-dimensional strategy (PDEODE) on second-grade female students’ acquisition of reading comprehension and the development of their reflective thinking in the Arabic language subject

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