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Sura Jasim Mohammed

Full Name: Sura Jasim Mohammed

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic Qualifications: Master’s degree in English Linguistics - Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis.

Practical Experience: Researcher and teacher at the College of Basic Education - University of Kirkuk.

University information

 College: College of Basic Education.

 Section or Department: Department of English Language.

Scientific Title: Assistant Teacher.

Certificate: Master's Degree.

Date of obtaining the certificate: 1/4/2018

The donor  university and college: College of Education for Humanities - Tikrit University.

Country: Iraq

 General Specialty: Linguistics.

Specialization: Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis.

Scientific activities:

- Member of the Student Activities Committee of Al Qalam University College.

- Member of the examination committees of Al-Qalam University Colleg.

- Member of the Guidance Committee of Al-Qalam University College.

Contact information with the professor:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Personal page on Facebook: Sura J. Mohammed

Published papers:

Mohammed, S. (2022) . A Comparative Analysis of Spelling Performance between Iraqi-Speaking and English-Speaking Children in Kindergartens. In Journal of AJSHR (American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research. Vol 3, Issue 1.

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