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Scientific Visit by the Department of Arabic Language to the Central Library and Qarah Hanjir

Scientific Visit by the Department of Arabic Language to the Central Library and Qarah Hanjir

The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Arts, University of Kirkuk, organized a scientific visit for all its four academic stages to the Central Library in Kirkuk, under the supervision of the department head, Assistant Professor Dr. Koyistan Najm Al-Deen Anja.

The visit included a detailed explanation about the importance of the library in the life of university students. Dr. Koyistan also delivered a lecture on how to extract sources and references from the library.

The scientific visit aimed to emphasize the importance of utilizing this long-standing library in the province and the necessity for students to benefit from the scientific sources available there.

Additionally, the Department of Arabic Language organized a field trip to Qarah Hanjir for all department stages. During this trip, a lecture was given on the impact of nature on arts and literature as a means of understanding human nature, as well as the reasons why poets turn to nature in their work.

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