Documents required to register students in the College of Agriculture - Kirkuk University:-
1- Civil status ID + the student’s Iraqi nationality certificate or the student’s national card (original + 2 coloured copies)
2- Parents' Civil status ID or national ID (2 coloured copies)
3- The original medical examination + the colored copy.
4- Preparatory school graduation document with grades addressed to the College of Agriculture (original +2 coloured copies)
5- 6 recent, coloured photos.
6- Residence card (original + 2 copies)
7- Ration card (original + 2 copies)
8- School card
9- Receipt or examination card
10- A CD containing all of the student’s documents
11- Guarantee of an employee for the student:
- The employee's attendance in person.
- Bring the following documents:-
1. Employee ID (coloured copy)
2. Civil status ID + Iraqi citizenship certificate or national card (coloured copy)
3. Residence card (coloured copy)
4. Continuation endorsement (coloured copy)