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Department of Field Crops

Department of Field Crops

The Field Crops Department was established in 2010 as a response to the demand of the labor market, as Kirkuk Governorate, with its various agricultural regions, is one of the advanced governorates in the production of major field crops. The department studies all sciences related to the cultivation, maintenance, breeding, and improvement of plants included in field crops. The department is provided with advanced laboratories, in addition to allocating fields within Agricultural research and experiments station for the department’s students. In 2015, a master’s study was established in the department, and in 2022 an integrated study was presented to create a doctoral study in the department, and the necessary approvals are awaited for that.

A cooperation agreement was signed with the Agricultural Training Extension Center in Kirkuk. The terms of the agreement include the department’s teachers giving lectures, participating in the training courses that the center holds for farmers in the governorate, and supervising the Ministry of Agriculture’s programs implemented in the center’s experimental fields. The department’s teachers also participate in scientific committees within And outside the university, the center’s fields are actual viewing stations for undergraduate students and centers for conducting research for postgraduate students. The department is headed by Prof. Dr. Khattab Abdullah Mohammed.

The Vision

Vertical expansion of land yields and an increase in production mechanisms for field agricultural crops in the governorate.

The Mission

Preparing agricultural cadres of competent engineers in the field of field crop sciences (raising field crops, producing field crops, and crop technology, in addition to oil crops, industrial and medicinal crops, and weed control) graduating from the department to work in light of the tasks and duties that are required to be carried out in the vision and goals of the department in order to reach farmers. The governorate, especially the farmers of strategic crops, to ensure an increase in agricultural density in fertile and moderately fertile lands and to encourage interconnected and successive joint cultivation in different parts of Kirkuk Governorate.

The Objectives

Graduating a group of trained agricultural engineers qualified to achieve the department’s goals.
The department's staff is working to introduce and develop improved genetic compositions and increase the momentum and effectiveness of agricultural operations in order to increase the effectiveness of agricultural patterns and methods.
Establishing the basics of the approach to organic agriculture and integrated pest management in accordance with globally applicable trends.
The department adopts the idea of adopting development programs with the responsible authorities in the governorate regarding developing the cultivation of grains and legumes from the rural area in the governorate and developing the cultivation and production of high-quality cotton and all strategic crops.
Working to introduce modern technologies in the department’s various fields of agricultural machinery and equipment and developing conservation agriculture to ensure energy savings and an increase in production.
Developing curricula and study programs and linking theory with practical application by implementing research projects for primary and postgraduate students and teaching staff in the college’s fields and facilities, and introducing new agricultural sciences and knowledge into the curricula to raise the student’s scientific competence.
Organizing scientific symposiums and seminars and participating in scientific conferences and symposiums by presenting research and studies inside and outside the country.
Working to exchange experiences, visits, study programs, and academic sabbaticals for members of the department inside and outside the country whenever possible, and carrying out joint research with colleges of agriculture and other research and scientific centers and institutions.

Certificates granted by the department

1.Bachelor's degree in field crops.
2.Master's degree in field crops.

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