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Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design

Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design

The Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design was established on 1/10/2005, first under the name of the Department of Plant Production, and the name was changed to the Department of Horticulture in the same year. In 2009, the name was changed to the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design. Its importance lies in preparing competent agricultural engineers in their field of specialization and spreading the horticultural culture in society. The department is headed by Prof. Dr. Kifaya Ghazi Sa'eed.

The study is characterized by two main parts: theoretical lessons and the practical part (field and laboratory). Since its establishment, the college administration has sought to provide scientific laboratories equipped with the latest laboratory and field equipment, and the approval of research projects is one of the requirements for students’ graduation.

The department is equipped with specialized laboratories (the graduate studies laboratory, the tissue culture laboratory, the general plant laboratory) and experimental field fields (a greenhouse, a wooden canopy, 5 greenhouses, orchard fields for various evergreen and deciduous fruit trees, vegetable fields, a palm grove that includes 9 varieties, an orchard Olives) and a laboratory for mushroom production was attached to the department with a production capacity of 12 tons per meal. An apiary was also established to produce honey bees and is used as field observations for students.

The Vision

Raising the scientific and technical level of graduates in the field of horticulture and landscape Design (fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants as well as garden Design and design), who are scientifically and technically capable of meeting the needs of the labor market, in line with the college’s vision.

The Mission

The department’s mission includes preparing competent cadres of agricultural engineers specialized in the fields of fruit, vegetable and ornamental sciences and garden Design and design, who are qualified to keep pace with the needs of the local and regional labor market and who are able to conduct advanced scientific research and transfer scientific and applied agricultural results to society and the environment to keep pace with global developments in the field of agriculture, and in a way that serves the principle of the college. In community service

The Objectives

Developing curricula related to fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and garden Design and design at the undergraduate and graduate levels to keep pace with modern scientific trends.
Preparing advanced and distinguished scientific programs in the field of horticultural sciences (fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and garden Design and design) in light of the national standards for academic programs.
Continuous preparation of graduates to be able to apply scientific and technical knowledge and modern agricultural technology to serve and develop society and compete at the local, regional and international levels, as well as providing horticultural agricultural guidance in its various fields and delivering modern agricultural knowledge, information and technology to farmers for the purpose of adopting and applying it in their fields.
Cooperating with college departments, colleges, and other research centers in conducting joint research that serves the community.
Providing expertise, studies and technical consultations related to the cultivation of fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants, as well as garden Design and design, to various relevant public and private sectors and through the Agricultural Advisory Office.
Preparing a department database for educational and research aspects and faculty members’ data.
Establishing a system for continuous monitoring and evaluation in the department with the aim of ensuring continuous development of performance in the fields of education, scientific research, community service and environmental development.

Certificates granted by the department

1. Bachelor's degree in horticultural sciences.
2. Master's degree in horticultural sciences.
3. PhD degree in horticultural sciences

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