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College of Administration & Economic

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About The College

The College of Administration and Economics was established on February 18, 2007 to prepare specialized administrative staff in its departments of Business Administration, Statistics and Economics. The initial study period is four years, after which the graduate is awarded a Bachelor’s degree in the aforementioned specializations.

The College of Administration and Economics is a scientific edifice and an educational institution. The college's policy is to provide all possible information and topics to the student, and it believes in the necessity of integrating applied and scientific studies in order for the college to keep pace with the requirements of new life and keep pace with the scientific and technological developments witnessed in our contemporary world.

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College Council

The College Council consists of the following members:

1- Chairman of the College Council - Dean (Essam Hadi Muhammad) - sitting in the middle

2- Secretary of the College Council (Susan Abdel-Ghani Ali) - standing on the right

3- Assistant Administrative Dean (Adnan Qader Arif) - sitting on the right

4- Assistant Scientific Dean (Hisham Abdullah Hamad) - sitting on the left

5- Head of the Statistics Department (Jaafar Musa Muhammad) - standing on the right

6- Head of the Business Administration Department (Mushtaq Mahmoud Khalaf) - standing on the left side

7- Head of the Economics Department (Tania Qadir Abdel Rahman) - standing in the middle

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Vision and goals

The college administration aspires to be distinguished and pioneering in providing its educational services at all local, regional and international levels, with a very high quality comparable to the prestigious corresponding colleges in developed countries. It seeks to be effective and distinguished in supporting the development process and solving all administrative and economic problems and obstacles facing society and the modern state.

The message

Achieving advanced levels in the academic and administrative process at the college in order to achieve its strategic goals so that they are consistent and compatible with the desires and goals of individuals and society as well.


1- Preparing qualified graduates in the specializations of management, economics, accounting and statistics to occupy various positions in state departments and private sector establishments.

2- Preparing theoretical and applied research and studies that contribute to solving practical problems in various economic, administrative, accounting and information specializations.

3- Developing workers in state departments and institutions and the private sector by holding courses and workshops inside and outside the college.

 Future college plans 

Opening the Accounting Department and opening postgraduate studies for the Business Administration Department

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College Structure

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Geographical location of the College

The college is located in the city of

Kirkuk (Iraq) in the Runaki region


Working hours