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Fahad Abbas Suleiman


Full name: Fahad Abbas Suleiman

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic qualifications: Arab history and contemporary international relations

University, Department (date obtained): University of Mosul, College of Education, Department of History, 2011.

Practical experience:

1. Evaluation of scientific research (30)

2. Scientific evaluation of university theses (20).

3. Teaching.

4. Writing academic research.

5. Supervising postgraduate students.

Training (name of the training agency, city, and training period):

1. Documenting footnotes in scientific research according to the American APA system.

2. Discussions in the History Department (6).

3. Lecturer at the Center for Continuing Education/University of Kirkuk (2).

University information

College: College of Education for Girls

Branch or department: History

Scientific title: Professor

Degree: Ph.D

General specialty: modern history

Specific specialty: Arab history and contemporary international relations

Scientific activities:

Contact information for the professor: 07702370316

Published research:

1. British withdrawal from the Arabian Gulf 1968-1971

2. The position of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the Algerian Revolution of 1954-1962

3. Syrian-Egyptian relations 1961-1967

4. Syria’s position on the Algerian revolution 1954-1962

5. Britain’s position on the political crisis in Lebanon, November 1943

6. The role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the independence of the emirates of the Arabian Gulf and their union 1968-1971

7. The official Saudi position on the civil war in Lebanon 1975-1982 through the Saudi press

8. Genocide crimes in France’s colonial policies in Algeria 1945-1962

9. Pages from the history of Omani-British relations 1888-1913

10. Saudi-Moroccan economic relations during the era of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

11. The Turkish-Israeli alliance and its repercussions on Turkish-Iranian relations, Al-Khaleej Al-Arabi Magazine

12. Saudi-British relations in light of the Greater Syria Project 1946-1948

13. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Libyan issue 1945-1955

14. Saudi-British economic relations 1974-1976

15. Saudi-British relations 1971-1973

16. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the issue of Moroccan independence 1945-1956.

17. Omani-British relations 1979-1985. (Accepted for publication)

18. Omani-British economic relations 1979-1990. (Accepted for publication)

19. Saudi-Italian relations 1932-1953. (Accepted for publication)

20. Saudi-Italian relations during the reign of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz 2005-2015. (Accepted for publication)

21. The problem of displaced children, causes and solutions.


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