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The Department of Physics at the College of Science - Kirkuk University begins the first episodes of the thirteenth cultural season for the academic year 2023-2024

The Department of Physics at the College of Science - Kirkuk University begins the first episodes of the thirteenth cultural season for the academic year 2023-2024

The Physics Department at the College of Science held, as part of the activities of the thirteenth cultural season for the academic year 2023-2024, a lecture entitled (The mechanism for entering scientific data for the annual evaluation of teachers), which was given by the lecturer Marwa Nihad Abdullah. The seminar, which was attended by the head of the department, Dr. Maad Muhammad Amin Muhammad Khan, and the professors and members of the department, included a detailed explanation of the paragraphs of the annual performance evaluation form for teachers, along with an explanation of the mechanism for raising the scientific activities and outputs of the lectures, which include scientific research, authored books, and supervision of graduate and undergraduate students within the system. Electronic evaluation, and how to overcome obstacles to complete a correct yearly evaluation.

The lecture was accepted and appreciated by the attendees because of the valuable information it contained on how to fill out university annual evaluation forms in a scientific manner and approach


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