Teaching legal and political subjects, their origins, present and future, their philosophy, theories, applications and research, and contribute to the development and development of society through cooperation with the federal government and local governments by preparing research and providing consultations to them.
1- Preparing qualified legal cadres to assume legal jobs and tasks in various state departments and work as lawyers.
2- The faculty aims to prepare staff armed with the concepts of democracy, freedom, human rights and respect for others
3- The college works to improve the mental image (EMAGE) of the university in general and the college for those dealing with it in particular and the general public.
4- Holding various seminars aimed at developing legal and political awareness among university employees of the applicable laws and legislations related to higher education.
5- Holding legal and political courses on various topics to educate the affiliates of state institutions and maintain ties with them.
6- Holding legal and political scientific conferences aimed at increasing knowledge and contact with local and international experiences in all law and policy specializations.