Since its founding on 6/7/2005, the college has successfully achieved its goals, which are to create a graduating engineering generation loaded with the weapon of engineering knowledge and reinforced by the scientific and practical frameworks that the college sought to prepare by providing the necessary equipment and laboratories to train students. The college has shown great interest in developing the necessary skills for teachers from By placing them in courses to enhance their capabilities, each in their field of specialization. Our college had a clear role in serving the community by conducting continuing education courses and providing the necessary support and advisory services to the departments of Kirkuk Governorate, as well as a clear role in supporting the reconstruction process at the university. The College of Engineering will remain, with God’s help, a vital source of the engineering cadre of our dear country. The College was established and includes the following departments: the Department of Civil Engineering, the Department of Petroleum Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and the Department of Electrical Engineering. The initial study period is four years, after which the graduate is awarded a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering.
About the college
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