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College students and staff carry out the third cleaning campaign

Students and staff of the College of Engineering at Kirkuk University are carrying out the third university campaign to clean the corridors and gardens of the university
Under the sponsorship of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Professor Dr. Celnik Akram Omar, and the heads of scientific departments, the staff and students of the College of Engineering at the University of Kirkuk participated in the third university cleaning campaign.
The Deanship of the College blessed the efforts of the students in the campaign that expressed the spirit of one team to bring out the College in its best light, in a successful attempt to bring out the energies and positive ideas of the conscious youth of our students and invest their free time in establishing such activities.
The campaign included cleaning and rehabilitating all the corridors and walls of the college to appear in a new, clean look befitting a university student, reflecting the student’s keenness for his college, and highlighting the bright ideas of the department’s students.
A number of students pointed out that the cleaning staff at the college are doing their duty to the fullest extent and that the idea of the campaign was to help them first because of the great effort they make every day and their participation in this honor of cleaning this scientific edifice, pointing out that the volunteer campaigns have a noble goal and their reality is influential. They are implementing and expanding it on a large scale to include all colleges.


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