For the sixth time in a row, Kirkuk University has registered its presence among advanced competitive positions in the (UI Green Metric) classification, in which 1,477 universities from 95 countries around the world competed. The university president, Prof. Dr. Imran Jamal Hassan, said, “We congratulate our university on this distinguished scientific achievement by being in the (UI Green Metric) classification for the sixth time in a row,” adding that with this determination and persistence, and working with the spirit of one team, Kirkuk University will quickly climb to reach the top of the classifications, praising the role of the deans of colleges, the academic and functional staff at the university, and the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department, for achieving this achievement and raising the academic reputation, and reaching global competitiveness. The (UI Greenmetric) classification is based on main criteria: the university campus 15%, energy and climate change 21%, waste management 18%, optimal use of water 10%, education and its academic programs and research 18%, and means of transportation and movement within the university campus 18%.
For the sixth year in a row, Kirkuk University is ranked among the (UI Green Metric)
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