A research team from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering at Kirkuk University publishes scientific research in a prestigious international journal within the Scopus database.
Professor Dr. Tahseen Ahmed Tahseen, along with Assistant Lecturer Yousef Hashim Hussein, two teachers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering at the University of Kirkuk, and in cooperation with a teacher from a Turkish university, published a study on free convection heat transfer from vertical cylinders with semicircular fins in the international journal Experimental Heat Transfer, which is indexed under Scopus containers Q1 citescore = 5.5.
In this research, the effect of the three factors on the thermal performance of a vertical cylinder with semicircular fins was studied experimentally. The effect of fin shape, fin number, and inlet heat flow on thermal performance was studied. Three different heat sink models (SC-0, SC-40 and SC-50) were compared in order to choose the best reference model.
The result showed that the heat transfer coefficient increased by up to 30% with SC-0 and SC-40, and 27% with SC-0 and SC-50, while the thermal resistance of the radial heat sink was proven to be lower than that of SC-0. And SC-40. SC is 17% with SC-40 and less than 19% with SC-50. In addition, it was found that a larger number of fins was more effective in dissipating heat than a smaller number of fins, and this can be attributed to the heat transfer that occurred under conditions of natural convection. Finally, to develop a Nusselt number correlation with the experimental data, the correlation showed good agreement with the experimental data with an error of less than ±5%.
The study can be viewed via the link below:
A research team publishes scientific research in a prestigious international journal within the Scopus database
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