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The Dean of the College of Engineering inspects the construction operations and new reconstruction movement in the Department of Chemical Engineering

The Dean of the College of Engineering inspects the construction operations and new reconstruction movement in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the College of Engineering at Kirkuk University
As part of her keenness to follow up on developments in the work in all aspects of the college, the esteemed Mrs. Dean, Professor Dr. Celnik Akram, accompanied by the esteemed Assistant Deans, Administrative and Scientific, inspected the Department of Chemical Engineering in our college to review the developments in construction work in the department.
In the interest of the college and the deanship to provide the best suitable atmosphere for all the dear students and members of the college, the Dean reviewed all the requirements and needs that had been prepared by the department that would provide distinguished services, such as chairs, cooling devices, and others.
The Dean makes periodic inspection tours of the administrative rooms and additional study halls that are being prepared in the new department in our college for the academic year 2023-2024 AD. Her Excellency praised the great efforts made by the engineering staff in completing the work accurately in the department’s supervision. The department also expressed their complete satisfaction with this attention and the initiative by the college and the deanship to make periodic visits and to further development and achievement.


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