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A Master's Thesis in the Department of Arabic Language Discusses Attention Between Rhetoricians and Grammarians

Under the patronage and attendance of the Dean of the College of Education for Human Sciences, Professor Dr. Farhad Aziz Mohi El-Din, the Master's thesis entitled (Attention Between Rhetoricians and Grammarians - A Comparative Study - Al-Tawfi d. 716 AH) was discussed in the Department of Arabic Language by the student Islam Imad Majeed in the college hall on 8/27/2024.

 The thesis dealt with an art of the arts shared between the sciences of rhetoric "the science of meanings" and grammar, which is the shift in the opinion of a great scholar who was absent from many in his most important book "The Elixir in the Science of Interpretation", as its appearance suggests that it is a book on interpretation and its rules, but the truth is otherwise, as the book was one of the important rhetorical books that were absent from sight, as Imam Al-Tawfi focused in it on the well-known sciences of rhetoric "the meanings, the statement, and the rhetoric", including "the shift", so the study aimed to uncover this author through this distinctive art and to show the extent of the close relationship between the sciences of rhetoric and grammar and to stand on the most important evidence of Imam Al-Tawfi, analyzing, opposing, and discussing, clarifying the types of shift and its purposes and the most important opinions of scholars on it and its impact on them. 

The discussion committee consisted of the teaching staff. . . Prof. Dr. Jumaa Hussein Mohammed, Chairman

Assistant Professor Dr. Saad Abdul Rahim Ahmed, Member

Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Khalaf Dhaham, Member

Assistant Professor Dr. Maha Mohsen Hazaa, Member and Supervisor.

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حالة الطقس في مدينة كركوك