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A Master's Thesis Discusses the Verbal Conjunctions of Past and Present Verbs in the Hawamim of the Holy Quran

Under the patronage and attendance of the Dean of the College of Education for Human Sciences, Professor Dr. Farhad Aziz Mohiuddin, the master's thesis entitled (Verbal Conjunctions of Past and Present Verbs in the Hawamim of the Holy Quran - A Study in Light of the Quranic Expression) was discussed in the Department of Arabic Language by the student Yildiz Aydin Qasim in the college hall on 8/27/2024.

The thesis aimed to demonstrate the effect of verbal conjunctions and the resulting generation of what is called marginal connotations, which lie behind the rhetorical use and how to sense these connotations, reaching the purposes of the miracle of the Holy Quran.

One of the results of the research was that it revealed to us many shades of meanings that were extracted through understanding the Quranic context about the methods of revealing the meaning, such as connotations of glorification, exaggeration, contempt, mockery, and others according to the situation in which the conjunction appears.

 The discussion committee consisted of the following lecturers: 

Prof. Dr. Suhaila Taha Muhammad, Chairman

Prof. Dr. Sakr Khalaf Awad, Member

Prof. Dr. Bassem Saleh Hussein, Member

Prof. Dr. Qahtan Jassim Muhammad, Member and Supervisor

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حالة الطقس في مدينة كركوك