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Hussein Khalaf Najm

Full Name: Hussein Khalaf Najm

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic Qualifications: B. A. in English Language College of Arts, Mosul Univ. (1998)/ Mosul City/ Iraq

M. A. in English language and Linguistics/ College of Arts, Mosul Univ.

(2001)/ Mosul City Iraq

Ph. D. in English language and linguistics / Univ. of Pune / Pune city (2015)/ India

Practical Experience: English Language instructor / College of Basic Education

University information

College: College of Basic Education

Section or Department: English Language

Scientific Title: Instructor

Certificate: Ph. D.

Date of obtaining the certificate: 2015

The donor university and college: Pune Univ.

Country:  India

General Specialty: English Language

Specialization: Linguistics

Scientific activities: Participating in local and international conferences

Contact information with the professor: 07709197985

Published papers:


-Using a dialogic teaching strategy to improve EFL Iraqi secondary school students speaking skill.

-Implications on Implied Negation in English and Arabic

-An Interpretational Study of MUST as a Modal of Necessity and Obligation in English with Reference to Arabic

Grammaticality and Meaning  of QAD in Arabic with Reference to English Equivalence and Interpretation


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