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College of Arts Holds a Seminar on Traffic Rules

College of Arts Holds a Seminar on Traffic Rules

The College of Arts at the University of Kirkuk, in collaboration with the General Traffic Directorate, the Student Activities Division, and the Volunteer Work Committee, organized an awareness seminar titled "Your Adherence to Traffic Rules is a Path to a Safe Life."

The seminar included an explanation of the key traffic rules and the road signs found on streets and highways, as well as the regulations for both vehicle drivers and pedestrians, along with the laws in place regarding traffic.

The seminar aimed to raise awareness about the importance of preserving human lives and reducing injuries caused by road accidents. It also highlighted the need to enhance traffic safety to ensure a sense of security while moving, and to minimize the material and economic losses resulting from accidents.

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  • Weekdays 08:30 - 18:00
    Friday is a holidaySaturday is a holiday

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