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A Faculty Member at the College of Arts Gets a PhD Degree

A Faculty Member at the College of Arts Gets a PhD Degree

A faculty member in the Department of English at the College of Arts, University of Kirkuk, Karwan Othman Aziz, has earned a PhD degree for his dissertation titled "Evaluating the Interactive Competence of Iraqi English Language Learners at the Beginner and Advanced Levels in Virtual and Face-to-Face Learning Environments."

The dissertation aimed to provide evidence to enhance our understanding of the complex nature of interactive competence in the context of English-language assessment and to explain the task-type variations that may impose certain effects on the distribution of interaction features, which can be considered a potential variable in measuring interaction performance.

The dissertation concluded that the primary goal of language learning is to become interactive competent, and it is crucial for learners to understand how to acquire and enhance this competence. This can be achieved through engaging in diverse communicative practices, including learning to adopt a highly participatory conversation style.

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