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Wsnaa Mohammed Faraj


Full name: Wsnaa Mohammed Faraj

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic qualifications: Master’s/Education

University, Department (date obtained): Diyala/Arabic Language Department/6/16/2013

Practical experience:

Training (name of the training agency, city, and training period):

Educational supervisor for applied students since 2013

Research evaluation for international conferences

Evaluation of research for local magazines

Lecture in university teaching methods courses (32,33,34,35,36)

Social researcher in the internal departments for female students for the year 2017

Drugs and their effects on the individual and society

Courses outside the college at the Sunni Endowment

Participate as a member in the Master's Discussion

Scientific component for master’s theses

University information

College: College of Education for Girls

Branch or Department: History Department

Scientific title: Assistant Professor

Certificate: Master's degree

General specialty: Education

Specialization: Methods of teaching the Arabic language

Scientific activities:

Contact information with the professor:

Published research:

1- Evaluating the performance of Arabic language teachers for the preparatory stage in light of educational competencies from the point of view of their supervisors)) published in Al-Fath magazine, issue 52, December 2012.

2- ((Mobile use and its repercussions on the scientific and moral level of Kirkuk University students)) Nasq Magazine, Issue 13, 2017

3- ((The level of students of the Arabic Language Department in listening comprehension)) Al-Ustad Magazine, Issue 220, 2017

4- ((The effect of using the Tanal al-Qamar strategy in developing reading comprehension skills among fifth-grade primary school students)) Nasq Magazine, Issue 28, January 30, 2020

5- ((Problems facing the application of modern strategies in teaching the curricula of the Arabic Language Department from the point of view of teachers)) published in Research Magazine / University of Mosul, College of Basic Education / Volume 16, Issue 3

6- ((The effect of the strategy of defending viewpoints on the expressive performance of fourth-grade literary students)) Surr Min Ra’a magazine / published in December, volume sixteen / issue 65

7- ((Psychological pressures among victims of terrorism in refugee camps)) Salahuddin University / Erbil / Zanko Magazine, Issue 5, November 24, 2020

8- ((Factors affecting the low level of academic achievement among middle school students in the Arabic language subject from the point of view of the subject teachers)) Al-Fath Magazine / College of Basic Education / Issue 83 in September 2020

9- ((Obstacles to implementing e-learning in the College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Kirkuk and College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Diyala)) Tikrit University Journal for Human Sciences, Volume (28), Issue (4), Part (1), Ramadan, April 2021.


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