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Exam Instructions

1- The student must carry the ID inside the examination hall and show it when asked to do so.

2- It is not allowed to bring any book or paper into the examination hall.

3- The student must write his full name as recorded in the official lists, his stage, the department to which he belongs, and the subject in which he is examined, in the Arabic language and using an ink pen.

4- Talking inside the hall is prohibited.

5- It is not permissible to tear any paper from the exam booklet.

6- All inquiries should be directed to the examination hall official only.

7- The student is not allowed to leave the examination hall during the first half hour of the examination, and no student is allowed to enter the examination hall after the questions are distributed.

8- The student remains in his place when the senior invigilator announces the end of the exam time until he receives the exam books.

9- The student may not move from his place without the permission of the senior observer.

10- Students must bring all exam supplies and borrowing is prohibited.

11- The student is not allowed to take the exam if he violates the uniform.

12-If it is proven that the student cheated or attempted to do so in the daily or semester exam, he is considered to have failed all academic subjects. If this is repeated, he will be dismissed from the university and his registration will be deleted from its records. Whether using a piece of paper, a communication device, or any other means.

13- Ignorance of the above points is not an excuse for violators.

14- The student is not allowed to bring a mobile phone into the examination hall.


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